I am currently starting a bible study with a few girlfriends titled Conatigous Joy by the Women of Faith Series. In the forward written by Patsy Claremont, she made a few statements that really periced my heart. "True joy spreads as we live out God's way in our lives with such credibilty that others move closer to purposely catch it." Wow! I mean think about it, how many truly JOYOUS people do we know. Authentictly joyous, and not pretending with over-done niceness.... I feel that sometimes, I have played the over-done niceness card. However, not done intentionally. But I feel this is part of being in the flesh. This is NOT my hearts desire by no means. Patsy was referring to a friend of hers that always chose to believe the best and leave the rest to the Lord....
(hmmmm... contiplate on that for a moment) She referred to her friend as an authentic "joy bubble"! I LOOOVE IT! I immediatley wrote in my book a prayer.. " Lord I want to be a joy bubble for you, my family and friends and everyone I come in contact with... an authentic, not overdone niceness.. I want it to be direct from my heart...
So I did learn something, and wish I would have learned it of it sooner. All we have to do is ask for God to show us the path to the lovely ways of his law. Whether we believe it or not, we are alot like our chilren at times. They are spoiled with a room overflowing with toys and all we hear is " I'm Bored". Wow, Jonathan and I were talking about this and our spiritual lives are like this sometimes. We are surrounded with so many wonderful things, Gods blessings. New cars, a nice home, a cabient full of food etc.. And all we can do sometimes is feel unhappy and the urge to want more. We find no joys in our days. " We long for joy as if it were something far off and unobtainable." But all we have to do ask.... In Psalm 51:8 the psalmist's is praying for the Lord to make him hear joy and gladness, so that the bones that thou have broken may rejoice... It's that simple. I couldn't believe it!
All we have to do is ask!! Ask it unto his name it shall be done!
I want joy that will cause my toes to tap, my heart to giggle, my dreams to return, my spirit to be refreshed and so my vision can expand! I don't want to have to convince others about my joy... I want it to be CONTAGIOUS!! Per Patsy's words, "Joy-people are popular, IN DEMAND, hired first, applauded, appreciated and sought out. " Sometimes all we have to do to rediscover our joy is to look at things differently, we need to open our eyes in order to see something that has always been there...
So what do you say??? I say sign me up for a big fat case of JOY!
Did you know that Joy is our birthright as believers! However sometimes tragedy or bad situations seem to make it hard to hang on to it.... Let's reclaim our JOY!
Let's all become JOY BUBBLES!!!!
"I'm whistling, laughing, and jumping for joy; I'm singing your song, HIGH GOD." Psalm 9:2 MSG
Love and blessings to all!
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